Exciting Announcement Bill & Pauls + Mom in the Mitten
Exciting Announcement…I am partnering with my new favorite store @billandpauls !! Mom in the Mitten is all about experiencing the beauty of Michigan + Fashion so this was such a natural fit.

Keep scrolling for a Sneak Peak into my FAVORITE part of the store… upstairs!

Bill & Paul’s by far has the largest selection of outdoor gear in West Michigan for kids, men & women. I have been holding on to this SECRET for awhile now and I am so HAPPY to finally be able to share it with all of you. I can’t wait for you guys to shop the store with the me! XOXO– Jessica aka mom in the mitten

#billandpauls #michiganmoms #michiganblogger #michiganretail #fashionblogger #grandrapidsmi #outdoorapparel #mittenlove #michiganders #ski