Golf Michigans Most Beautiful Course at Arcadia Bluffs
A R C A D I A 🏌🏼♀️B L U F F S aka absolutely breathtaking!

📍 Golf or not you MUST add @arcadiabluffs to your summer bucket list! The views are breathtaking, the course is perfectly manicured, the bunkers are scary beautiful, & the drinks at the clubhouse are above PAR!
🔜I highly recommend calling in advance for a tee time as they fill up as fast. If you’re there more for the experience than the golf I would tee off later in the afternoon so you can take in the amazing sunset views your last few holes like we did.
🌅 If you don’t play, you can always have lunch/dinner at the clubhouse and cocktail out on the white Adirondack chairs facing Lake Michigan. They play bag pipes on the hour, it’s pretty magical.
🚘 Arcadia isn’t too far from Traverse City so if you’re heading up for a wine weekend, you MUST add this to the front or back end of your trip. You won’t regret it!
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