
I hope Mom in the Mitten inspires you to live the best lifestyle Michigan has to offer. I noticed friends were always texting or emailing after I would post pictures of a family activity or vacation and ask questions like… where did you stay, do you think my kids would like that, what were the food options, etc. I noticed people would much rather ask a friend than go search a website looking for answers. This is what inspired Mom in the Mitten. I hope Mom in the Mitten can be that friend for you. Someone you trust, someone with a parents point of view, someone who’s done it before, someone who has your best interest at heart. My goal is to provide you the insight and details only a parent and friend can offer when it comes to planning family activities; whether that’s skiing, a day at the beach, or planning a trip to Mackinaw Island.

As a hospitality and tourism major and mom of three boys I have always enjoyed planning outings and trips for my family. But I what I’ve noticed is that different destinations serve a different purpose depending on which phase of life you’re in. Plus the amount of time and effort it takes to research an activity or destination can be so time consuming & overwhelming that sometimes you just end up giving up and doing the same ol’ thing you always do. I hope mom in the mitten can give you the confidence you need to take your family skiing for the first time or try out that new beach town for your summer vacation. My goal is to provide you with all THE BESTS, MUST HAVES, MUST SEES & HAVE TO DO’s. I would like to see Mom in the Mitten alleviate some fears, calm the anxiety, and increase the excitement for all your adventures ahead.

Follow me on Instagram @mom_in_the_mitten