Kids Ski Free in Michigan for Fourth & Fifth Graders
Did you know 4th and 5th graders ski/board for free in Michigan? Take advantage of the cold is cool passport this season. It’s not too late!

Here is what you do: Visit Scroll down and click the link that says Click Here to order and Pay online. You basically fill out the form attach a picture of their report card to prove they are in Fourth or fifth grade. Luckily I still had mine from conferences, and I just took a picture of it with my phone and attached it to the form if I remember correctly. The $25 is to pay for the app that they created so that everything is Covid friendly this year.
I think they might send you a confirmation or something via email and then you can download the cold is cool passport app on your phone. There is also a page you can print and attach a photo of your child for picture id purposes but I have never had anyone ask me for this. I just get the app ready to go on my phone before I walk up to the ticket counter and they just usually click redeem and that’s that. It’s pretty simple once you use it once or twice. I definitely recommend you log in to the app while you’re in the car and choose the correct resort and everything so you don’t hold everyone up at the ticket window. You don’t want to be “that Parent”. Triust me! LOL.
Just beware a few resorts don’t honor the cold is cool pass on peak days like holiday, MLK, & Presidents weekend.
This is a great opportunity for your kids to ski or snowboard and for. you to save some extra cash! Its a win win in my book 😊