Mom in the Mitten: Who, What, Where, & Why
🎉 I officially have 200 Instagram followers and almost 300 Facebook friends in 2 months.Eeek! I know that’s NOT a lot by any means but I’ve been trying to grow Mom in the Mitten very organically and with people that actually WANT to follow along. For those of you that are new and for those of you that Have been here from the beginning T H A N K Y O U so much for following along!

My name is Jessica and I decided to create Mom in the Mitten as a way to help people live the best lifestyle #puremichigan has to offer. While that is still a goal, I think it’s fair to say MITM has definitely evolved to become a little more fashion oriented than I originally intended. So to say I was pretty excited to see My own L O G O on some S W A G was an understatement! After being a stay at home mom for almost ten years this new adventure as Mom in the Mitten has been the much needed creative outlet that I have so desperately been missing 💗
I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Mom in the Mitten aka Legging Wearing, Drive Way Sipping, Lake Loving, Sport Watching Professional
#mominthemitten #mominfluencer #michiganders #swiglife #emerybodie #puremichigan #greatlakes #logo